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Taina Borges

Psychologist CRP 03/19697

About me

My name is Tainá Borges, I'm a psychologist  graduated from the Bahia School of Medicine and Public Health (EBMSP). I currently work  at  clinical and organizational area. The purpose of Papo psi is to keep you  informed about how to take care of your mental and emotional health. After all, mind and body are one, who takes care of the mind, takes care of the body and takes care of the soul.

For more information contact us  🦋

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Início: Sobre mim


Which is ? How can psychotherapy help me?

 It's a process focused on helping you  to resolve emotional, psychic and behavioral issues. Through psychotherapy it is possible to learn healthier ways  to deal with situations that we are subjected to on a daily basis in various aspects.  of personal, professional and family life.

Início: Sobre a terapia
Início: Contato


I enjoy helping my patients develop the tools they need to deal with all of life's challenges.  Any questions, you can get in touch.

Face-to-face and online service 🦋

(71) 99106-0914  - Whatsapp 💬

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